Leadership And Mentoring Program Princeton

These values are cultivated through the celebration of heritage months, dialogues and discussions, our Princeton University Mentoring Program (PUMP) and the Carl Fields Fellows peer educator program. Additionally, our Center’s student friendly space offers numerous opportunities for relaxation and engagement — comfy lounges, study breaks. We foster the growth and unity of the Princeton community by advancing student learning through programs and experiences that integrate self-awareness, multicultural and intercultural communication skills, social justice education and leadership opportunities. Princeton University. Christian Leadership Development Program. Princeton Faith and Action (PFA) is a student organization focused on Christian leadership development, and resourced by Christian Union. All Princeton community members are. The mission of the Princeton University Mentoring Program. Executive Leadership Training Program. The Princeton Techstars Innovation Bootcamp is a two-day intensive program offered for graduate students and postdocs who are interested in entrepreneurship during Wintersession. The bootcamp is presented by Techstars, a leading startup accelerator. Sites interested in implementing the Achievement Mentoring Program purchase a package of services from the Princeton Center for Leadership Training (PCLT) that includes training, curriculum, ongoing technical support, and fidelity monitoring. Specifically, the following services are included.

As a graduate student at Princeton, part of your experience is becoming a teacher and mentor to other scholars within our community, and beyond. Gain knowledge of instructional pedagogies, assessment methods and how to promote inclusive teaching environments.

Key Topics:

  • Navigate paths to teach at the college level
  • Create inclusive learning environments
  • Understand instructional techniques and assessment methods
  • Mentor undergraduate students, early scholars, and peers

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Dynamic Programming. Art. Discussions. Connecting.

Leadership And Mentoring Program Princeton

These are the integral ways we build community and develop empathy across difference. Using innovative forms of engagement, students and community members begin to understand the ways our complex identities inform our experiences.

Wellness. Poetry. Speaker Series. Senior Celebrations. Affinity Spaces.

Mentoring For Leadership

We promote a sense of belonging that permeates throughout all aspects of the Princeton community by encouraging people, specifically those whose identities are marginalized or underrepresented, to embrace their autonomy and agency in spite of oppression.

PUMP. Carl A. Fields Center Fellows. Interns. Cultural Groups.

Articles On Mentoring And Leadership

We encourage students to use their knowledge of social justice to foster the growth and unity of the Princeton community by advancing student learning through programs and experiences that integrate self-awareness, multicultural and intercultural communication skills, social justice education and leadership opportunities.

Activism. Advocacy. Community Building.

We empower and support students to develop, implement and actualize their visions of creating a more equitable and just world. Students are supported in their effort to hold themselves and others accountable and informed on issues of oppression, privilege, inequality and human rights.