Mapbharsar Students

Download Mapbazar app from google play store. About Us; Contact Us; Bulk Order. This web page is made by Anil Rana student of Gbpuat.Thanks.

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Welcome to Sasane Education Society

Sasane Education Society has started an English Medium School since 17th June 1985 for the convenience of the students living in the vicinity of Hadapsar. For a long time, people from Hadapsar, Manjari, Vadki, were experiencing a difficulty in sending their children to far away schools to educate them through an English medium school. The Children had to face lot of hardships; while attending the school in Pune, because of the crowd and inconvenience in travelling. We are also proud to announce the commencement of our Arts, Commerce & Science Junior College from the academic year 2013-14. We have obtained the necessary approval from the concerned authorities.

School Campus

Functional in two acres of land at Sasane Nagar . The four storied building has 34 rooms with 3 Science Laboratories, Library, Computer Lab, Auditorium . In addition to this a four storied new building with twelve class rooms is also functional. Continue Reading »

Our Aim

The School aims to maintain the “ Child – Centered ” approach in its functioning . Due to the competitive atmosphere, life of the children in the present scenario is full of stress . The guidance and counseling help the students to cope with this stress and facilitate an all round personality growth. Continue Reading »

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Supporting Infrastructure

The school provides transport to all areas in the vicinity of Hadapsar . For the safety of children and for smooth functioning, the school stays in touch with the drivers at all times. In case there is a change in transport or in the person receiving the child, the school office must be informed in writing to ensure the safety to your child. Continue Reading »

Mapbharsar Students Portal

Special Projects

Mapbharsar students jobs

We have launched a project, “No weak students”. Extra classes are being conducted by our teachers after school everyday to improve English reading & writing. To bring out their hidden skill is one of most important works of our teachers by giving them opportunity to take part in competitions.


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Mapbharsar Students

We are family

Mapbharsar Students School

Our pillar of strength - The School Management, Our back bone - The Parents, Our wealth - The Teachers, Our shining stars – The Students are all found under one roof. So come join our heaven and be a member of our large wonderful family.